NFL Suicide League - Rules & Regulations


  1. Each week you will chose one NFL team to win its game that week.
  2. You may only select a team once for the entire season.
  3. If your selected team for any week does not win, you are eliminated from the contest. Ties are counted as losses.
  4. If you forget to make a pick any week, it will be counted as wrong. You may pick a team as long as their game has not yet started and you have not already selected that team. Each NFL game is locked from selecting a team once it starts. If you select a team and their game starts, you may no longer change your pick. It is advised to make picks a few weeks in can always change later within the rules just stated.
  5. The last person remaining in the contest is the winner. If all remaining players are eliminated at the same time, they will be considered tie and split the pot

How to Play

  1. You must Login using your Username and Password first. If you are a new user, click link to register for a new Username from the Login page.
  2. Then you must register for the NFL Suicide Contest using the Contest Registration Page. Here you will choose your contest entry name and pay entry fee online.
  3. Once you have entered the contest and paid, you can go to the Enter Picks page to view the schedule for each week and choose your team.
  4. You may change your pick for the current week or any future week as much as you like. Each game is locked from selecting a team at the start of the game. The deadline for each week is the start of the last game involving teams you have not already selected. Always have a few weeks picked in advance to avoid forgetting about a week. You can always change picks before the deadline.
  5. Each player's pick is revealed to all once the team they have picked starts their game.

Entry Fee

Entry fee is $10 and will be paid via PayPal. The entry fee will be paid during Contest Registration and is required prior to making Week 1 picks. Compared to the basketball tournament contest, this is my "hassle free" contest which is why I've automated the pay process and require upfront payment. Logging in to PayPal account before submitting payment ensures you can go straight to picking winners.

Some of you have an adverse opinion of PayPal so I give you a couple of other options but these may take a little longer to finalize registration so do not wait until the last minute. You can pay online by credit card without signing in to PayPal but you must manually hit the tiny "Return to Merchant" link after submitting payment.

Of course, cash in my hand will get you entered as well. Just complete Step 1 on the registration page first, and then pay me in person and I will complete Step 2 for you. You can also skip the credit card page and PayPal me directly to "" from your PayPal account page. Just do the same as the cash option by completing Step 1, send the money, and I will complete Step 2 of the registration for you.


Payout will be 80% of the pot for 1st place and 20% for 2nd place.* If players are eliminated in the same week, they are considered tied and any prize money will be split among those players.

* Minus credit card processing fees